Peter Dzudza rapist sex offender - West Yorkshire
Peter Dzudza rapist sex offender - West Yorkshire

Peter Dzudza, a rapist has been incarcerated again after assaulting a vulnerable elderly woman at a hospital in West Yorkshire.

Peter Dzudza, 28, assaulted a 71-year-old woman at Bradford Royal Infirmary in April of this year. On Tuesday, Bradford Crown Court was informed that he had been residing at the hospital due to his homelessness and exposure to cold conditions.

Peter Dzudza, a schizophrenic and substance abuser, assaulted the woman after she was placed in a private cubicle to await evaluation and treatment after an X-ray. She was sitting erect in bed and was on the verge of falling asleep when she became cognisant of another person’s presence in the vicinity.

Prosecutor Rebecca Young stated, “She opened her eyes and observed the defendant gesture for silence by placing his finger to his lips.” Peter Dzudza allegedly kissed the victim on the mouth and inserted his hand into her dressing robe before sexually assaulting her.

Miss Young stated that the victim was terrified and disoriented, rendering her incapable of accessing the panic alarm button located on the wall behind her. Upon her inquiry regarding his identity, Peter Dzudza caressed her arm and shoulder to soothe her.

The prosecutor stated that Peter Dzudza subsequently kissed the victim again and sexually attacked her once more. Upon the woman’s scream for assistance, Peter Dzudza vacated the room, and subsequent hospital CCTV footage later recorded him seated in a corridor, viewing pornography on his mobile device while engaging in masturbation.

Peter Dzudza, of no fixed abode, was arrested by police two days after the incident and claimed during his interview that he had been “staying” at the hospital.

The court heard that in February this year, Peter Dzudza had been convicted of common assault and was on bail awaiting sentence for that crime when he committed the offence at the hospital. In 2011 when he was just 15 himself, Peter Dzudza was sentenced to 20 months in a young offenders institution in his native Slovakia after he raped a boy under 13.

Peter Dzudza pleaded guilty at an earlier crown court hearing to sexually assaulting the woman at the hospital, and he was jailed for 27 months. Peter Dzudza expressed an apology to his victim over a prison video link during the hearing, and his barrister, Paul Canfield, said his client had sworn he would never do anything like it again.

He said: “He intends upon release to return back to Slovakia and find accommodation with his father.”

Jailing Peter Dzudza Recorder Sam Green KC told him: “You entered that private cubicle uninvited and told her to be quiet.”

The judge said Peter Dzudza had been so excited by his assault on the woman that he was later seen watching porn and masturbating. He added: “In my judgement, this was akin to, and no better than, entering someone’s home uninvited because she was in a private cubicle lying helpless, and you went in there with no permission to do so.”

He said the woman had been traumatised and still suffered flashbacks and she was now frightened of being admitted to hospital again in case she encountered another “pervert” like Dzudza.

Because Peter Dzudza has been remanded in custody since his arrest, he was told he may be released after serving a further nine months behind bars. Recorder Green imposed an indefinite sexual harm prevention order and a restraining order which bans Peter Dzudza from entering the hospital unless he requires urgent medical treatment or has an appointment.

Peter Dzudza will now have to register as a sex offender with the police for the next ten years.

If you or anyone you know have been affected by the people highlighted in this article, then please report those individuals to the Police on 111 (999 if an emergency) or visit their online resources for further details of the options for reporting a crime. You can also make a report at Crimestoppers should you wish to be completely anonymous. There is help available on our support links page.