Bexhill Paedophile Michael Wilkinson will be out of prison soon and back in the community, so keep an eye out. Paying to get pictures of a youngster in the Philippines being sexually molested and raped, Michael Wilkinson was imprisoned.
From Bexhill, Michael Wilkinson contacted the family of a girl aged nine and twelve, using contacts he had developed while backpacking in Asia.
He received pictures and a video of the youngster in particular stances that he had instructed for the transaction.
First detained in April 2020, the 36-year-old, Michael Wilkinson, was downloading obscene photographs of children, and police had intelligence on him.
Police discovered the degree of Wilkinson’s criminality following a search warrant performed at his house.
Admitting to encouraging and supporting the sexual exploitation of a child under 13, Michael Wilkinson, a decorator, was sentenced to six years in jail at Hove Crown Court for indecent photos of minors and possessing forbidden and extreme images.
Along with a Sexual Harm Prevention Order, which severely limits his access to minors and digital devices for life, he will be a registered sex offender for a lifetime.
From the day of his release, Michael Wilkinson also suffered a five-year travel restriction order from police that they can ask to renew every five years.

Claims Michael Wilkinson was downloading obscene photographs of minors were verified after his gadgets were confiscated, said Sussex Police paedophile web investigation unit detective Constable Richard Gill.
“But only then, as our enquiries persisted, did we realise that he had also been paying through a third party in the Philippines for a girl, aged between nine and twelve, to pose for indecent photos, which were then sent over to him,” he claimed.
“It became clear that Michael Wilkinson had made contacts in the country whilst backpacking some years ago and used them to contact the family concerned for his sexual gratification over an extended period.”
DC is the Gill stated one video of the youngster was supplied; otherwise, he received still photographs in particular postures that he had specified during the purchase.
The police official also commended the Philippine Internet Crimes Against Children Centre, which is responsible for locating the youngster and protecting her and her sisters.
PC Gill said, “This was a great example of inter-agency and international law enforcement cooperation which has reached out across over 10,000 miles to take action against a predatory offender and safeguard innocent children.”
The conviction results from investigations conducted by Sussex Police detectives collaborating with officers of the Philippines National Police and the UK National Crime Agency.
If you or anyone you know have been affected by the people highlighted in this article, then please report those individuals to the Police on 101 (999 if an emergency) or visit their online resources for further details of the options for reporting a crime. You can also make a report at Crimestoppers should you wish to be completely anonymous. There is help available on our support links page.