Micaela Anderson-Letts Sunbury-on-Thames
Micaela Anderson-Letts Sunbury-on-Thames

Puppy Farmer con “woman” Micaela Anderson-Letts (otherwise known as Micaela Von Cydzik), 35, of The Rowans, Sunbury-on-Thames, Middlesex left 35 puppies to die of starvation in a her caravan she had towed to Eastbourne and left at an Industrial Estate.

Micaela Anderson-Letts, a mother of one with various aliases and connections to multiple locations including Kingston-upon-Thames, Surbiton, Hounslow, and Ashford in Surrey, received a suspended sentence despite her conviction for numerous animal welfare violations.

Social services are aware of the child and it is unclear as to what abuse has been dished out by Micaela Anderson-Letts.

Video footage captures the moment law enforcement uncovered a dog and 35 puppies residing in “squalor” within a Micaela Anderson-Letts’s feces-laden caravan.

On July 26, 2021, Sussex Police were notified by a concerned citizen to a caravan owned by Micaela Anderson-Letts located on an industrial park in Lister Road, Eastbourne, due to concerns for the welfare of the animals within.

Officers, accompanied by RSPCA inspectors, gained entry to the caravan and encountered a combination of Labradors, Dachshunds, and French Bulldogs residing in deplorable conditions.

Investigating officer PC Marie Jenner, of the Sussex Police Rural Crime Team, stated: “The entire floor was saturated with faeces and urine-soaked cardboard.” Exposed wires, nails, screws, and fragmented wood and tools were scattered around. The conditions were utterly uninhabitable.

“The dogs were retrieved from the caravan and placed in makeshift pens where we provided them with bowls of water. They were drinking uncontrollably, which gave an indicate of their desperation to rehydrate.

“A vet arrived on scene and explained that the dogs were suffering – and would continue to suffer if left in these conditions – and therefore they were seized under the Animal Welfare Act.”

The puppies were taken for assessment by the RSPCA and 14 of them were admitted for hospitalisation.

One of the puppies, a dachshund, died. A post mortem concluded the cause of death was starvation and dehydration.

CCTV enquiries revealed the caravan had been towed to the location at approximately 3am that morning by a 4×4 vehicle. Checks were conducted which showed the registered owner was Micaela Anderson-Letts, 35, of The Rowans, Sunbury-on-Thames, Middlesex, TW16 7QG.

The disgusting pig Micaela Anderson-Letts was arrested and charged with causing unnecessary suffering to a protected animal.

Specifically, between July 24 and 26, 2021, she caused unnecessary suffering to a protected animal, namely a dog and puppies by a failure to act, namely, failing to transport the dog and puppies in a satisfactory manner and failing to provide medical treatment she knew or ought reasonably to have known that the failure would have that effect or be likely to do so.

On May 19, 2020, authorities found two deceased pigs in the grounds of Anderson-Lett’s former residence in Surbiton, southwest London. She informed the officers that the animals had succumbed to disease seven days prior.

They discovered bones and other pigs still alive in a pen inadequately sized for them to lie down, exposed to intense sunlight, and lacking food or water. It is believe that her neighbours would have been aware of the suffering of the animals because The Rowans is a close containing under 20 semi detached houses, all situated close together.

The Rowans Sunbury-on-Thames Middlesex

Micaela Anderson-Letts pleaded guilty to the offence at an earlier hearing and appeared for sentencing at Kingston Crown Court on Tuesday, January 7.

Micaela Anderson-Letts was sentenced to 24 months’ imprisonment, suspended for 24 months. She was also given an animal banning order which lasts until further notice and ordered to carry out 300 hours of unpaid work.

“This has been an ongoing complex case by the Sussex Police Rural Crime Team, working with partnership agencies, local authorities and other police forces,” said PC Jenner.

“It transpired that Anderson-Letts had previously been issued an animal banning order and showed complete disregard to the judicial system by continuing to involve herself with puppies. After lots of hard work and dedication over the past three years, I am happy that this case has finally come to a conclusion.

“I would like to thank all staff and officers involved, the RSPCA inspectors, vets, and vital witnesses who supported this investigation along with members of the public who assisted in the rescue of these innocent puppies. After the appropriate veterinary treatment and care the dogs were re-homed to loving families.”

If you have any further information about Micaela Anderson-Letts or the care of her child please contact us at contact@eastbournesexualassault.com or the authorities on 101 (999 in an emergency).

If you or anyone you know have been affected by the people highlighted in this article, then please report those individuals to the Police on 101 (999 if an emergency) or visit their online resources for further details of the options for reporting a crime. You can also make a report at Crimestoppers should you wish to be completely anonymous. There is help available on our support links page.