matthew tallentire paedophile sex offender blackpool
matthew tallentire paedophile sex offender blackpool

After befriending a 13-year-old girl on a beach, Matthew Tallentire Blackpool Paedophile raped her in a hotel. Lancashire Police said Matthew Tallentire attacked the child following her summer Blackpool visit.

Following a trial at Preston Crown Court, the 32-year-old was found guilty of two rape charges as well as one attempted rape.

Matthew Tallentire, previously of Blackpool but now without a definite address, was imprisoned for nine years, appearing for sentencing at the same court on Friday.

Police claimed the girl had arrived in Blackpool with two adults, and Matthew Tallentire had befriended them on the beach.

They all hung around and returned to a hotel room where Matthew Tallentire attacked the girl.

Det Sgt Brittany Shaw of Lancashire Police said: “The girl showed tremendous bravery in disclosing what had happened to her.

“She once more displayed bravery throughout the trial evidence presentation.

“I welcome the long term the judge has imposed.”

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