Is Brighton Paedophile Jonathan Barclay living somewhere near you? Back in 2015, Jonathan Barclay of Chadborn Close, Brighton, received a 24-month community order and was a registered sex offender for five years.
His estranged husband has expressed his dismay at finding via this newspaper that his partner had been accused of such grave crimes.
Co-founder of a Brighton events management firm, Jonathan Barclay, 51, admitted one count of sharing an indecent image of a child and five charges of downloading indecent images of minors.
Apprehended initially in October 2011, he was not charged until January this year because of what police said to be a “very exceptional series of complex legal and technical issues.”
Chief Constable Giles York cited his case as an illustration of why a cap on the amount of time someone could be on police bail should not be imposed; some circumstances were too complicated.
Mr Jonathan Barclay had refused an order to reveal a computer password and entered not guilty to having or encouraging a 13 to 17-year-old child to engage in pornography. Though they will remain on file, the court did not move with those charges.
William Underwood, his estranged husband who changed his identity to Christopher Clayton, said he was surprised to learn about the crimes via The Argus when the paper initially reported the story in January.
Currently living in London, the 21-year-old claimed Jonathan Barclay had told him he was on bail following their move-in together but not what for, and he had not pressed the matter.
Following their Christmas meeting on a dating website, the couple wed in April 2013. Shortly afterwards, before Jonathan Barclay was prosecuted, they split.
Mr Clayton said: “Until I saw it in the paper, I had no idea how serious it was.”
At the beginning, I was totally in love with him. There was a spark with him as I got off the train, and I fell in love. When things were good, he was a great guy. When it was good, it was magnificent.
However, when I initially learnt of the issue involving infringed rights,
“Now, I suppose my whole wedding and everything with him was based on a lie from the start.”
Under the Jon Philips name, Cheapside, early this year, Jonathan Barclay was co-founder and featured on the website of Brighton events management firm Showbiz. A representative claimed he has nothing to do with the company anymore.
If you or anyone you know have been affected by the people highlighted in this article, then please report those individuals to the Police on 101 (999 if an emergency) or visit their online resources for further details of the options for reporting a crime. You can also make a report at Crimestoppers should you wish to be completely anonymous. There is help available on our support links page.