A man, John Hawker, systematically sexually assaulted a minor after a prolonged period of grooming. The victim stated that the abuse continues to affect her adversely, expressing, “I no longer feel like myself.”
John Hawker, 25, egregiously mistreated the girl, commencing with his “inappropriate touching” of her during her childhood. She repeatedly informed her attacker that she was “not interested” in sexual activities and requested that he cease, nevertheless he attempted to manipulate her with bribes of chocolate and gifts to get her “confidence and trust”.
During a sentencing hearing at Cardiff Crown Court on Monday, it was revealed that the youngster was asleep when she awoke experiencing pain and discomfort. She recognised that John Hawker was assaulting her and attempted to resist in order to dislodge him, but the defendant continued his actions. Judge Jeremy Jenkins informed the court that John Hawker had violated the victim’s virginity during the assault. He stated, “This was her initiation into sexual activity.”
The girl was raped on a number of occasions by John Hawker. The abuse became less frequent when the defendant learnt the girl had spoken to police about sexual abuse she had suffered at the hands of another man.
Judge Jenkins said: “You no doubt realised she had the courage to tell the police about other abuse, you became wary of your own predicament and started to ease off.” John Hawker, of Pant y Celyn Place, St Athan, Vale of Glamorgan, was later arrested and police found images of child abuse on a device which belonged to him.
The defendant denied seven counts of rape, inciting a child to engage in sexual activity and engaging in sexual activity in the presence of a child but he was found guilty by a jury following a trial. The court heard he was of previous good character.
In a video interview played to the court, the victim described the impact the abuse had had on her. She said: “I haven’t been going to school because of what happened, I don’t think people understand. Everything is just so difficult… I don’t really go out much any more. I used to go out all the time and now I don’t anymore. I’m stuck in my room watching TV. I don’t really sleep as much.
“I am always feeling ill, when I talk about it I am always feeling ill and my chest gets really heavy, that’s one of the reasons I don’t go to school as much as people be always asking about it…. I used to be a people person but I don’t feel like me anymore.” When asked about her feeling towards Hawker, she said: “I don’t feel anything towards him”. The girl said she was “angry” at what the defendant had put her through.
Defence barrister Susan Ferrier said there was “little she could say” in mitigation due to the her client’s not guilty pleas. She said the defendant was aware he would receive a “substantial” prison sentence and would lose the years of his youth as a result.
Judge Jenkins sentenced Hawker to a total of 12 years imprisonment. He was also made subject to sex offender notification requirements and a Sexual Harm Prevention Order for the rest of his life.
In an emergency, call 999 but there are a number of support agencies there to help:
Live Fear Free helpline – 24 hour support
Confidential support and information for anyone experiencing sexual violence, domestic abuse or violence against women in Wales, and for family, friends, colleagues and others calling on their behalf. Phone support available in Welsh, English and any other languages.
Freephone T: 0808 8010800
Type Talk: 1800108088010800
E: info@livefearfreehelpline.wales
Text support 24/7: 078600 77 333
Live chat 24hrs: www.livefearfree.gov.wales
Bawso 24hr helpline
Providing specialist services for BME communities.
T: 0800 731 8147 W: bawso.org.uk
Suzy Lamplugh Trust National Stalking Helpline
Advice and help if you are a victim of stalking.
Freephone T: 0808 802 0300
The charity runs a 24-hour National Domestic Abuse Helpline
Freephone T: 0808 2000 247
NSPCC FGM helpline
Call the FGM helpline if you’re worried a child is at risk of, or has had, FGM.
T: 0800 028 3550 E: fgmhelp@nspcc.org.uk
Forced Marriage Unit helpline
Advice and support to victims of forced marriage.
T: 020 7008 0151
Modern slavery helpline
To report a suspicion, get help or seek advice or information.
T: 0800 0121 700 W: modernslaveryhelpline.org
Respect phoneline
For anyone concerned about their violence and/or abuse towards a partner or ex-partner
T: 0808 802 4040 E: info@respectphoneline.org.uk W: respectphoneline.org.uk
The Men’s Advice Line
For male domestic abuse survivors, run by Respect.
0808 801 0327
The National LGBT+ Domestic Abuse Helpline
Run by Galop.
0800 999 5428
NSPCC helpline
The NSPCC helpline is staffed by trained professionals who can provide expert advice and support to adults with a child welfare concern. Adult victims of non-recent abuse can also get in touch for support.
T: 0800 800 5000 E: help@nspcc.org.uk W: nspcc.org.uk
NSPCC’s Childline service
Children and young people can contact Childline 365 days a year about anything that may be worrying them no matter how big or small it may seem.
T: 0800 1111 W: childline.org.uk