Jeremy Ousey Brynmill Paedophile
Jeremy Ousey Brynmill Paedophile

A man forfeited his position in medical school following his arrest for possessing numerous photographs depicting the sexual assault of children, as stated in court. Jeremy Ousey was apprehended after law enforcement officials visited the communal residence in Swansea where he resided, based on intelligence indicating that he had been downloading indecent photographs.

The lawyer for the 30-year-old acknowledged the presence of “concerning features” in the case and stated that the defendant had pursued voluntary assistance following his arrest. A court stated that he did not accept “for one moment” Jeremy Ousey’s assertion of lacking sexual interest in youngsters.

Ryan Bowen, representing the prosecution, informed Swansea Crown Court that on the morning of June 5, 2023, law enforcement officers visited a residence of multiple occupancy based on intelligence regarding the uploading of indecent photos on the internet. He stated that cops were permitted entry into the Swansea residence and were guided to the defendant’s upper floor room where, “after some hesitation,” Jeremy Ousey allowed them access.

The court was informed that officers confiscated seven electronic devices, which, upon triage examination, revealed the existence of indecent material. Jeremy Ousey was arrested and, during his subsequent interview, stated that he would permit others he had encountered in chatrooms to utilise his accounts, and acknowledged that he had downloaded pornographic files without thoroughly inspecting their contents. He informed officers that his choice for pornography was “barely legal” material, which he defined as involving individuals aged 19 to 24.

The court heard an examination of Jeremy Ousey’s devices uncovered almost 800 indecent images including 200 of Category A showing the most extreme kinds of sexual abuse and rape of child. In some of the Category A film clips the girls being abused could be heard crying in pain and distress. Officers also found conversations on a number of messaging apps including one on Whisper, which allows anonymous messaging, in which the defendant sent sexual messages to someone purporting to be a 13-year-old girl. The court heard that during the course of the conversation Jeremy Ousey told what he thought was a child: “I don’t care about your age, just your humiliation”.

Jeremy Ousey, of Bryn Road, Brynmill, Swansea, had previously pleaded guilty to possession of three counts of possession of indecent images in categories A, B and C, possession of extreme pornography, possession of a prohibited image of a child, and attempted sexual communication with a child when he appeared in the dock. He has no previous convictions. Susan Ferrier, for Jeremy Ousey, said it was accepted there were “worrying features” to the case and she said her client had voluntarily sought help following his arrest. She said the defendant had lost his place in medical school and said references and letters before the court spoke to the defendant being a “respectful, generous and charitable person”.

Recorder Paul Lewis KC said when arrested the defendant had given a number of “excuses” to police and he noted that, even his pre-sentence report, he claimed not to have any sexual interest in children – the judge said he did not accept that proposition “for one moment”. Recorder Lewis said Jeremy Ousey had already been punished for this actions in the form of losing his place at medical school, and said he had read not only the pre-sentence report but personal references, a document from a psychotherapist, and a letter from the defendant in which he said he was “horrified” by his own conduct. The recorder said “not without some hesitation” he had come to the conclusion that Jeremy Ousey need not serve his custodial sentence immediately.

With one-third discounts for his guilty pleas the defendant was sentenced to 14 months in prison suspended for two years and was ordered to complete a rehabilitation course and an accredited programme. He was also made the subject of a sexual harm prevention order for the next 10 years, and will be a registered sex offender for the same period.

If you or anyone you know have been affected by the people highlighted in this article, then please report those individuals to the Police on 101 (999 if an emergency) or visit their online resources for further details of the options for reporting a crime. You can also make a report at Crimestoppers should you wish to be completely anonymous. There is help available on our support links page.