Jeffery Oviasogie rapist sex offender - Nigerian
Jeffery Oviasogie rapist sex offender - Nigerian

A man who raped a woman as she returned home from a night out in Aberdeen has been jailed. Jeffery Oviasogie, 21, admitted attacking the 29-year-old in Bon Accord Terrace Gardens in the early hours of 26 September last year.

He had been employed as a support worker at Camphill special needs school in the city at the time.

At the High Court in Glasgow, Oviasogie was jailed for four years and eight months.

The Nigerian national’s visitor visa expired six months before the attack. He had been living in the UK since 2018.

The victim had been on a night out with friends before heading home in the early hours.

She was walking when Oviasogie suddenly came up and started talking to her. He then followed her as she continued into Bon Accord Terrace Gardens.

Prosecutor John McElroy previously said: “She began to feel uncomfortable. As she walked along a steep path, the woman was aware of Oviasogie behind her.

“Her next memory is of being on her back on a muddy area with him on top of her.

“She was screaming for help, but she was unable to move beneath his weight.”

Oviasogie demanded she “shut up” and raped her as he held her down.

The advocate depute said: “She continued screaming and shouting. She was petrified.”

A man heard the cries and spotted Oviasogie on top of the woman.

As the rapist fled, he was seen to be wearing a distinctive red baseball cap.

Mr McElroy: “The woman remained on the ground, crying and curled into a ball.”

Officers found Oviasogie in Justice Mill Lane about an hour later, still wearing the cap. His jeans and trainers were also mud-stained – but he denied being involved in the attack.

Edith Forrest, defending, said: “He was out after work with colleagues. He said he consumed a lot of alcohol, which he was not used to indulging in.

“He accepts he was showing off to a degree to his peers, which demonstrates a level of immaturity at the time. He says he often thinks of the victim and the impact this will have had on her.”

‘Dangerous predator’

Judge John McCormick told him: “You assaulted and raped a lone female as she walked home in Aberdeen.

“You used force to hold her down and ignored her screams for help.”

Oviasogie will also be monitored for a further three years on his release, and will be on the sex offenders list indefinitely.

Det Ch Insp Karen Main of Police Scotland said it was a “horrendous” attack, and described Oviasogie as “a dangerous predator”.

She added: “A young woman is dealing with the trauma of what happened to her that night and I hope that knowing Oviasogie is no longer a threat to other women gives her some sort of solace as she moves forward with her life.”

If you or anyone you know have been affected by the people highlighted in this article, then please report those individuals to the Police on 111 (999 if an emergency) or visit their online resources for further details of the options for reporting a crime. You can also make a report at Crimestoppers should you wish to be completely anonymous. There is help available on our support links page.