An ex-police officer Sex Offender James White who committed sexual assault against a solitary adolescent as she walked home at midnight has been sentenced to two and a half years in prison.
James White, a former officer of the Greater Manchester Police (GMP), confessed to consuming four bottles of alcohol before operating a motor vehicle on 25 June. Subsequently, he committed a horrifying assault.
The 39-year-old individual stated that he did not actively seek out a solitary girl. However, upon observing the youngster in a secluded area in Darwen, Lancashire, he halted his vehicle and proceeded to commit an act of violence against her.
Eve Salter, the prosecutor, informed the court that the girl perceived the sound of footsteps approaching from behind. Upon reaching her, James White covered her eyes with his hands, uttering the words: “I have no intention of causing you harm.”
He forcefully pulled her down, resulting in abrasions and contusions on her arm, torso, and hip. He then released one of his hands from covering her eyes and placed it on her knee.
The courageous adolescent retrieved her mobile device and initiated a video connection with her mother using Facetime. As the call connected, she attempted to punch her assailant with the phone, but James White endeavoured to dislodge it from her grasp.
The girl managed to capture an image of her assailant, who was donning a conspicuous t-shirt, before James White fled into obscurity, startled by the girl’s plea for assistance.
The minor was picked up by her stepfather and reported the assault to the authorities.
She expressed uncertainty in her emotional response to the attack. I am relieved to be still alive, as I was apprehensive that a catastrophic event was imminent.
James White was terminated from his position with GMP, which serves the Bolton region, following his conviction for four charges related to the sexual harassment of female colleagues.
Tom Worsfold, the defence attorney, stated that his client acknowledged that the court would show little compassion towards him and believed that he should experience the guilt he currently feels.
During a visit to HMP Durham, White’s stepfather reported that James White expressed feeling divided between two contrasting personas – virtuous and one evil – with the vicious one prevailing.
“It is tragic that this individual, who previously held a position of responsibility as a police officer, has experienced such a significant decline,” expressed Mr. Worsfold.
In his sentencing, Judge Altham remarked that the particularly alarming aspect of this assault was the fact that a solitary 16-year-old individual was deliberately singled out and attacked in a public setting.
“Being forcefully subdued by an unknown individual with the explicit intention of committing sexual assault is a terrifying and deeply distressing experience.”
“Whether this was a premeditated assault, with the perpetrator deliberately selecting and targeting a victim before carrying out the attack, or if it was a spontaneous act triggered solely by the presence of a vulnerable woman, both scenarios are deeply concerning.”
“During a brutal assault, this young woman had to defend herself against her attacker.” A man who possesses the ability to assault a young woman in such a manner, especially considering his personal history, is inherently dangerous.
James White, residing at Suddellside Road, Darwen, was given a sentence of two years and six months for committing sexual assault. Additionally, he received a concurrent term of 10 months for causing actual bodily harm (ABH).
The judge additionally imposed a 15-year registration on the Sex Offenders Register for White, stating that he would continue to pose a threat to women for a considerable duration.
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