How many Paedophiles in Eastbourne
How many Paedophiles in Eastbourne

To estimate the number of paedophiles or individuals with paedophilic tendencies in Eastbourne, we consider the following:

  1. Population Breakdown

Eastbourne has an approximate population of 100,000. Assuming a typical demographic distribution in the UK:

  • About 80% are adults (age 18+), resulting in around 80,000 adults.
  • Of these, roughly 49% are male and 51% are female.

Since research indicates that paedophilic attraction is far more common in men than women, we focus primarily on the male population for these calculations, which includes around 39,200 adult men in Eastbourne.

  1. Prevalence of Sexual Offenses

Statistical studies suggest that 0.5% of adults may have committed some form of sexual offense. Applying this rate to Eastbourne’s adult population:

  • 0.5% of 80,000 adults = 400 individuals who may have committed sexual offenses.
  • Not all these offenses involve children, but they provide a starting point for understanding the scope of sexual offenses in general.
  1. Prevalence of Paedophilic Attraction

Research estimates that 1-5% of men might experience paedophilic attraction at some point in their lives. Applying this to the male population of Eastbourne:

  • 1% of 39,200 men = 392 individuals.
  • 5% of 39,200 men = 1,960 individuals.

Thus, the likely number of men with paedophilic attraction in Eastbourne may range between 392 and 1,960.

However, it’s essential to note:

  • Not all individuals with such attractions act on them or commit offenses.
  • This estimate includes individuals who might never come to the attention of law enforcement or child protection services.
  1. Known Offenders vs. Hidden Cases

The actual number of convicted or registered offenders is likely much lower than the prevalence rates due to:

  • The hidden nature of these offenses.
  • Underreporting by victims or lack of evidence.

Preventative measures: Some individuals seek help to manage their impulses without ever committing a crime.

  1. Local Factors

Eastbourne’s demographics, community characteristics, and resources available for crime prevention and child protection might influence the prevalence and detection rates. For instance:

  • Areas with higher populations or transient communities might have increased risks.
  • Effective law enforcement and public awareness campaigns could reduce the number of offenses or increase reporting rates.

How Paedophile numbers in Eastbourne are derived

  1. Data Sources

Researchers rely on a combination of sources to estimate the prevalence of paedophilic tendencies and sexual offenses:

  • Criminal Records: These include reports, arrests, and convictions for sexual offenses involving children. However, these numbers reflect only detected cases, meaning actual prevalence may be significantly higher.
  • Self-Reported Surveys: Anonymous surveys are conducted in some studies to encourage honesty about sensitive topics like sexual attraction and behavior. Examples include population-based surveys or online studies.
  • Clinical Assessments: These involve individuals seeking treatment for their sexual preferences, either voluntarily or as part of mandated therapy following an offense.
  • Psychological and Neurological Studies: Researchers sometimes use tools like brain imaging and behavioral tests to identify tendencies linked to paedophilia.
  1. Limitations of Data
  • Underreporting: Many cases of child sexual abuse go unreported due to societal stigma, victim fear, or lack of evidence.
  • Survey Bias: Even anonymous surveys may underrepresent the population due to reluctance to disclose such behaviors.
  • Sampling Issues: Studies often focus on specific groups, like incarcerated individuals or those in therapy, which may not represent the broader population.
  1. Statistical Adjustments

Researchers use statistical modelling to estimate the “hidden” population of offenders or individuals with paedophilic tendencies. This includes extrapolating from detected cases and adjusting for known biases in data collection.

How are children protected from Paedophiles in Eastbourne?

In Eastbourne, safeguarding children from sexual exploitation and abuse is a collaborative effort involving local law enforcement, government agencies, and specialized support services. Key initiatives and resources include:

Sussex Police Initiatives:

  • Child Sexual Exploitation (CSE) Unit: Sussex Police has a dedicated unit focused on identifying and protecting children at risk of sexual exploitation. They work closely with multi-agency partners to ensure comprehensive support and protection for vulnerable children.
  • Safeguarding Investigations Unit: This unit handles cases of child abuse and neglect, ensuring thorough investigations and appropriate interventions. They are equipped to manage both recent and non-recent abuse allegations, providing support to victims regardless of when the abuse occurred.

East Sussex County Council Services:

  • Single Point of Advice (SPoA): For concerns about a child’s safety or welfare, the SPoA offers a direct line for advice and reporting. They coordinate responses to ensure children receive the necessary support. Contact them at 01323 464222 or via email at
  • Emergency Duty Service: For urgent concerns outside regular hours, this service addresses serious child protection issues that cannot wait until the next working day. They can be reached at 01273 335906 or 01273 335905.

East Sussex Safeguarding Children Partnership (ESSCP):

The ESSCP brings together various organizations to develop policies and procedures aimed at safeguarding children. They provide resources and training to professionals and the community to recognize and respond to child abuse and exploitation.

Support Services:

  • Sussex Children’s Sexual Assault Referral Centre (SARC): This center offers medical and emotional support to children and young people who have experienced sexual abuse. Staffed by specially trained professionals, they ensure victims receive compassionate care.
  • East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust – Children’s Services: Provides acute pediatric services, including support for children who have suffered abuse, ensuring they receive appropriate medical care.

Community Awareness and Reporting:

Public vigilance and prompt reporting are crucial in protecting children. Sussex Police encourages anyone with concerns about child exploitation or abuse to report it immediately. In emergencies, call 999; for non-emergencies, contact 101. Additionally, the East Sussex County Council provides guidance on reporting concerns about a child or teenager.

Through these coordinated efforts, Eastbourne strives to create a safe environment for children, proactively addressing risks and ensuring robust responses to any instances of exploitation or abuse.

If you or anyone you know have been affected by the people highlighted in this article, then please report those individuals to the Police on 101 (999 if an emergency) or visit their online resources for further details of the options for reporting a crime. You can also make a report at Crimestoppers should you wish to be completely anonymous. There is help available on our support links page.