Corey Furey Huddersfield paedophile sex offender
Corey Furey Huddersfield paedophile sex offender

Corey Furey, a sex offender, has been incarcerated for over ten years for several sexual acts against a minor. Corey Furey, 27, from Huddersfield, was sentenced to 12 years at Leeds Crown Court today, November 18, after being convicted of grave sexual offences.

A 27-year-old individual was convicted in October of seven sexual assault charges against a female child under the age of 10 and for inducing a youngster to participate in sexual conduct.

The offences occurred between 2021 and 2022 and were reported to law enforcement in August 2022.

The report resulted in an inquiry being opened by the Kirklees District Child Safeguarding Unit with Furey being detained shortly afterwards.

As well as his sentence, Furey was also made subject to a Sexual Harm Prevention Order which will make him subject to immediate arrest and prosecution if he breaches any of the terms set, on his release from prison.

He will also have to sign on the Sex Offenders Register for life.

DC Amy Green of the Kirklees District Child Safeguarding Unit, said: “Furey committed some very serious sexual offences against his young victim and we welcome his sentencing today.

“He undoubtedly poses a risk to young children and this has been reinforced by safeguards such as the Sexual Harm Prevention Order imposed upon him for when he is eventually released from prison.”

She added: “I want to commend the bravery of the victim and her family in this case. Reporting such offences is not easy, and they have shown great courage in coming forward and supporting the prosecution to put this dangerous man behind bars.

“Specialist detectives investigate all reports of such offending, and we can also signpost victims to the help and support they may need.”

If you or anyone you know have been affected by the people highlighted in this article, then please report those individuals to the Police on 101 (999 if an emergency) or visit their online resources for further details of the options for reporting a crime. You can also make a report at Crimestoppers should you wish to be completely anonymous. There is help available on our support links page.