adam britton and erin britton paedophile dog torture
adam britton and erin britton paedophile dog torture

Expert British crocodile hunter, Adam Britton British Paedophile, has been imprisoned for torturing, raping, and killing dozens of dogs, including nine puppies.

Born in West Yorkshire, the 53-year-old obtained a PhD in biology from Bristol University before moving to Australia. Before Adam Britton moved to Australia, rumours of his participation in a paedophile ring were spreading alongside the mistreatment of animals.

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adam britton paedophile bestiality torture british crocodile expert

Backdated from his April 2022 arrest, he was sentenced to ten years and five months with a non-parole term of six years.

Using a shipping container on his property, which he used to film many of his crimes, his wrongdoing included the torture and exploitation of 42 dogs and the deaths of 39.

Adam Britton only has to serve six years before getting parole.

As Adam Britton was sentenced, the Australian cowardly Chief Justice Michael Grant said of his “grotesque” and “unspeakable” atrocities against animals.

During his sentencing comments, the judge excused court officials since he cautioned the gallery that specifics of the charges could result in “nervous shock or some other adverse psychological reactions”.

“Although I’m loathe to do so, given the gross depravity and perversity of your actions, it is necessary for sentencing you to provide some generally representative detail and description of the offending conduct,” he remarked.

The court earlier heard Britton expressed “sadistic sexual interest” in animals and children — especially dogs.

Apart from hurting his canines, he obtained animals from gullible Darwin area pet owners.

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adam britton and erin britton paedophile bestiality sex torture

“Many of them had to reluctantly give their pets away due to travel or job commitments,” prosecutor Marty Aust told the court back in September. “He often built a rapport with the dog owners in negotiating taking custody of their animals.”

Police discovered a container in his garden crammed with sex toys, cameras, external hard drives, and computers. Prosecutors claimed canines were “tortured, sexually exploited and killed” at the lair. He referred to the container as his “torture room” and then uploaded the footage of his crimes under aliases. He would use the sex toys to cause internal bleeding, and the dogs would then become more docile and slowly bleed out of their anuses and vaginas until he put them out of their misery. He would break bones, similar to the hardcore of children, pierce the dog’s eyeballs, and remove parts of their bodies until they died.

In a room built on his rural home in McMinns Lagoon close to Darwin, he sexually assaulted his pet dogs – Swiss Shepherds Ursa and Bolt.

adam britton raping his pet dogs swiss shepherds ursa and bolt
adam britton raping his pet dogs swiss shepherds ursa and bolt

The dog’s barks, whimpers, and shrieks could be heard for miles. Anyone near the property would listen to the rape, torture and killing of the animals.

After purchasing more animals, Adam Britton would send pictures of them to the past owners before sexually abusing, torturing and killing 39 of the dogs. He continued until his arrest after a video of his vile acts, which he had shared online, was provided to Australia’s Northern Territory animal welfare authorities.

Brit operated two Telegram accounts called ‘Monster’ and ‘Cerberus’ between 2020 and 2022, where he uploaded depraved videos of the acts. In one video, an anonymous internet user noticed an adult female dog wearing an orange City of Darwin leash with the slogan “Great pets start with you.”

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adam britton and erin britton paedophile bestiality lovers

Adam Britton has confessed to an interest in “zoo sadism” and, in numerous online messages presented to the Northern Territory Supreme Court, he guided other people on how to perpetrate similar acts of abuse. When he appeared for sentencing submissions recently, the court was told about the psychiatric condition called paraphilia that afflicted him.

His wife, Erin Britton, ran from their home as soon as the horrific crimes of her husband were made public although it is highly unliekly she did not notice the screams of pain from the animals bneing tortured less than 30 foot away. She has changed her surname since his arrest in a weak effort to pretend she knew nothing about the 39 dogs raped, tortured and killed at the back of her garden.

Emma Hurst, an MP for the Animal Justice Party in New South Wales, slammed the sentence as ‘pathetically weak’.

“These were horrific acts of animal cruelty,” Ms Hurst said.

“There is a well-researched link between violence towards animals and violence towards children.

“This man is a danger to other animals and the community. I am relieved to hear his sentence includes time behind bars – that’s where a man like this belongs – but it is not long enough.”

If you or anyone you know have been affected by the people highlighted in this article, then please report those individuals to the Police on 101 (999 if an emergency) or visit their online resources for further details of the options for reporting a crime. You can also make a report at Crimestoppers should you wish to be completely anonymous. There is help available on our support links page.