A list of all our Suffolk Sex Offenders, Paedophiles, Rapists, Child Killers, Police articles, and Eastbourne related material. This is a new feature so you will have to use the back button to return to the list of Suffolk Sex Offenders to view another post listing. If you go back to using the previous and next functions on the post, then you will be returning to our main site listings and leaving this specific Suffolk list of posts. We will be improving this function soon.
- Paul Ashworth Lowestoft Sex Offender Posted in: Appeals - Police are hunting for a 71-year-old sex offender who fled court as a jury was debating whether he was guilty…
- Alan Johnson Ormskirk Paedophile Posted in: Paedophiles - A man, Alan Johnson Ormskirk Paedophile, has been incarcerated for rape and many indecent assaults on minors that occurred almost…
- New York Paedophile Gang Posted in: Paedophiles - Nine individuals have been indicted in a child sex trafficking case concerning a teenage girl discovered last month on a…
- Liam Roberts alleged Paedophile Posted in: Police Sex Offenders - The jury is deliberating its judgement in the case of a 31-year-old man, Liam Roberts, charged with many child sexual…
- Suffolk Posted in: Cities and Counties - A list of all our Suffolk Sex Offenders, Paedophiles, Rapists, Child Killers, Police articles, and Eastbourne related material. This is…
- Lloyd Prior Broom Knoll Paedophile Posted in: Paedophiles - A man, Lloyd Prior Broom Knoll Paedophile, charged with historical sexual offences informed his purported victims that he was "playing…
- Justin Barrs Bretton Paedophile Posted in: Paedophiles - A Bretton paedophile, Justin Barrs, recalled to prison shortly after parole, has been convicted for violating a sexual harm prevention…
- Oscar Fitzgerald Lowestoft paedophile Posted in: Paedophiles - A Lowestoft paedophile, Oscar Fitzgerald, who sexually assaulted a 12-year-old girl he had manipulated over social media has been sentenced…
- Matthew Coombs Hartest PAEDOPHILE Posted in: Paedophiles - Matthew Coombs, a schoolteacher and convicted paedophile, has been prohibited from teaching after transmitting sexually explicit images and communications to…
- Darren Hornsby Clacton paedophile Posted in: Paedophiles - Darren Hornsby, a predator from Clacton, has been sentenced to 15 years in prison for sexual offences against minors. Darren…
- Leslie Foreman and Thomas Tweed Paedophiles Posted in: Paedophiles - Two men, Peterborough Paedophile Leslie Foreman and Gloucester Paedophile Thomas Tweed, have been indicted for multiple sexual offences against children.…
- Matthew Redstall Felixstowe Paedophile Posted in: Paedophiles - A Felixstowe Paedophile, Matthew Redstall, who was involved with a teenage girl, has been incarcerated. Matthew Redstall, 50, of High…
- Frank Bowyer Bury St Edmunds paedophile Posted in: Paedophiles - The trial of a 76-year-old man from Suffolk, Frank Bowyer, charged with many child sex offences, is postponed until June…
- Thomas Singleton Suffolk Paedophile Posted in: Paedophiles - Police found Suffolk Paedophile Thomas Singleton in possession of a toddler-sized doll, underwear and clothing for babies and young children,…
- Reece Mason – Lowestoft Posted in: Paedophiles - Reece Mason, A 29-year-old man from Suffolk has been sentenced to three years in prison for sexually abusing an unaccompanied…
- Mark Flack paedophile child sex offender Posted in: Paedophiles - A man jailed for amassing almost 60,000 indecent images of children in 2015 is back behind bars following the discovery…
- James MacKenzie rapist sex offender Posted in: Rapists - A rape victim has received commendation from law enforcement for her "strength and courage" following the sentencing of her assailant…
- Corey Anderson Tipton Paedophile Posted in: Paedophiles - Tipton Paedophile 50-year-old Corey Anderson was sentenced on Friday, March 10, at Ipswich Crown Court to six years and 10…
- Chelsea Gleason-Mitchell & Scott Jeff Posted in: Child Killers - A jury was informed that a two-year-old girl was likely killed by child killers Chelsea Gleason-Mitchell, and her companion, Scott…
- Dominic Rowan rapist sex offender – Ipswich Posted in: Rapists - A man, Dominic Rowan, has been jailed for rape of a woman which occurred in the Tuddenham area near Bury…
- Richard Taylor paedophile child sex offender – Icklingham Posted in: Paedophiles - Richard Taylor, a 56-year-old resident of West Street in Icklingham, was sentenced to imprisonment at Ipswich Crown Court on Friday,…
- Shain Hunt Crawley Paedophile Posted in: Paedophiles - Crawley Paedophile Shain Hunt is out and about in your community, looking for baby rape images and more. Shain Hunt,…
- Simon Harrington paedophile child sex offender – Brandon Posted in: Paedophiles - Simon Harrington, a 56-year-old agricultural labourer from West Suffolk, has been mandated to register as a sex offender and has…
- Timothy Neale Lowestoft Paedophile Posted in: Paedophiles, Rapists, Sex Offenders - A paedophile hailing from Lowestoft, Timothy Neale, has been convicted and punished for a series of sexual offences committed against…
- Dennis Rocha Suffolk US Paedophile Posted in: Paedophiles - A US airman Paedophile, Dennis Rocha, was jailed last year in 2023 for raping a 12-year-old autistic girl he met…
- Connor Yaxley Yarmouth Rapist Posted in: Rapists - An ex-film studies student, Connor Yaxley Yarmouth Rapist, who has been accused of sexually assaulting three women while they were…
- Tom Singleton Framlingham Paedophile Posted in: Paedophiles - The headteacher of a primary school, Tom Singleton Framlingham Paedophile, who was imprisoned following the discovery of over a million…
- Daryl Taylor Paedophile Posted in: Paedophiles - Police have caught a fugitive, Daryl Taylor Paedophile, who fled while receiving treatment at Ipswich Hospital. In 2023, Daryl Taylor,…
- Leonard Swallow Ixworth Paedophile Posted in: Paedophiles - Paedophile Leonard Swallow of Peddars Close, Ixworth, who has denied two offences of rape, eighteen offences of sexual assault, three…
- Eastbourne VIP paedophile gangs Posted in: Paedophiles - A victim of a VIP paedophile gang thinks a 15-year-old girl was murdered at a horrible orgy. The fresh witness…
- Michael Costin Scout Leader Paedophile Posted in: Paedophiles - Locked up is a serial child abuser, Michael Costin Scout Leader Paedophile, reported to have "a deep history" of atrocious…
- Christopher Whittleton Gazeley Paedophile Posted in: Paedophiles - Following jury conviction, a 58-year-old West Suffolk Paedophile Christopher Whittleton accused of rape of a schoolgirl will be jailed in…
- Ryan Althorpe – Suffolk Police Deviant Sex Offender Posted in: Police Sex Offenders - A former police officer, Ryan Althorpe, who attempted to engage an alleged rape victim in sexually improper chats while on…