A young woman who a sexual predator, Lewis Harrison Bransholme Paedophile, targeted took decisive action by covertly installing a camera on her mobile device to document his actions.
During many encounters, Lewis Harrison, 32, engaged in personal touching and kissing with the girl, as said before Hull Crown Court.
Lewis Harrison attempted to feign that the girl harboured romantic feelings for him, but the judge dismissed this explanation as utterly preposterous.
Lewis Harrison asserted that he made physical contact with the girl to provide solace and consolation.
The girl aimed to provide substantiation of the events that had transpired by capturing Harrison on her phone’s covert camera.
Judge Mark Bury stated that Lewis Harrison developed a sexual attraction towards the girl while interacting with her.
“You will have been aware of her exact age,” he stated.
The judge remarked that there was evidence of deliberate manipulation and premeditation. Furthermore, the defendant attempted to argue that the victim had developed romantic feelings for him. I refute that suggestion based on the evidence I have heard. You formed a romantic attraction towards her.
‘You seem to have a strong focus on sexual matters.’ Hopefully, she will eventually get past this transgression you committed.
‘She can take solace in the fact that the jury has largely concurred with her testimony, and she will derive gratification from witnessing your sentencing to a period of incarceration.’
Lewis Harrison was a habitual consumer of alcohol and a chronic user of crack cocaine. However, the judge stated that there is no substantiated proof that Harrison engaged in any of the criminal acts while under the influence of alcohol or narcotics.
There is no evidence to suggest that you provided her with either alcoholic beverages or narcotics. You had previously engaged in inappropriate behaviour towards her, albeit she lacked evidence to substantiate her claims.
‘She has displayed remarkable courage by persisting with this complaint.’
Stephen Robinson, in his role as a mitigating factor, stated that Harrison was consuming a significant amount of alcohol and engaging in drug use throughout that period. Lewis Harrison had prior criminal records, but the latest one occurred a while back, and it did not involve anything as severe as this. “He has demonstrated his ability to avoid problematic situations,” stated Mr. Robinson.
There is no record of any previous instances of sexual misconduct. He has ceased his drug consumption and now consumes alcohol infrequently.
Lewis Harrison, residing on Biggin Avenue in Bransholme, Hull, pleaded not guilty to four charges of engaging in sexual activity with a minor. However, a jury found him guilty after the trial. He was acquitted of two further counts.
Lewis Harrison received a prison sentence of two and a half years and is required to register as a sex offender for 10 years. He was issued a five-year restraining order.
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