David Robinson paedophile rapist child sex offender - Bridgend
David Robinson paedophile rapist child sex offender - Bridgend

A court heard that an individual, David Robinson Bridgend Paedophile, engaged in sexual conduct in the presence of a vulnerable young girl. David Robinson perpetrated vile acts on his victim, who was a young child attending primary school, on two separate occasions.

During a sentencing hearing at Cardiff Crown Court, it was revealed that Robinson, aged 46, was convicted on June 23 of two charges of engaging in sexual conduct in the presence of a child. This occurred when he masturbated in front of the girl on two separate occasions. The judge characterised the sick events as “appalling,” and the court was informed that David Robinson, residing on Coity Road in Bridgend, had caused his victim to experience fear of being alone and discomfort in the presence of men.

Matthew Cobbe, the prosecutor, recited a victim statement on behalf of the girl, who expressed that she currently has a strong aversion to being alone and experiences a profound sense of isolation as a result of the episodes. The report indicated that she had actively pursued counselling, although she faced difficulty in openly discussing the incident. Consequently, she currently experiences discomfort in the presence of men. The court was informed that the girl experienced trouble sleeping and was plagued by recurring nightmares.

Hashim Salmman, the defence attorney, pointed out that David Robinson had prior convictions for indecent exposure in 2008 and 2010. However, Salmman requested the judge to consider the significant amount of time since those incidents occurred. According to him, the defendant has a low likelihood of committing another crime in general, but there is a moderate likelihood of committing a sexual offence in the future. The defence counsel requested the judge to consider the absence of any recent criminal behaviour by his client. Additionally, he emphasised that his client had personally experienced and endured instances of domestic violence during his childhood. According to him, David Robinson had a documented record of alcohol dependency, psychiatric therapy, and other medical problems. Additionally, he mentioned that Robinson had been unemployed for four years.

Judge Wayne Beard characterised David Robinson’s misconduct as “substantial” and noted that circumstances “indicated a consistent pattern” when considering his previous convictions. “The trauma experienced by the young woman has undoubtedly affected everyone who has come into contact with it,” he stated. Additionally, he mentioned that the defendant has a moderate likelihood of engaging in sexual offences in the future.

David Robinson received a cumulative sentence of two years and three months in prison. In addition, an indefinite restraining order was imposed, and he is obligated to register as a sex offender permanently. Additionally, an indefinite sexual harm prevention order was imposed, along with a £181 statutory surcharge.

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