Alcino Soares & Luis Martins Dos Mariano – A youngster who allegedly committed a heinous sexual assault on a random woman in an underground car park while his companion acted as a lookout has been sent back to jail for violating his bail conditions for the second time.
Alcino Soares of Braeside & Luis Martins Dos Mariano from Sloan Street, both 18 years old and from Dungannon, are collectively accused of committing rape, sexual assault, and assisting in the act of rape.
During the court proceedings at Dungannon Magistrates’ Court, a detective constable stated that the complainant had reported being sexually assaulted by two unidentified males, Alcino Soares & Luis Martins Dos Mariano, on September 9th of the previous year.
While socialising with her friends, she was approached by two males, Alcino Soares & Luis Martins Dos Mariano, one on each side, who escorted her to an unoccupied underground car park in Dungannon. There, she was brought to a secluded area where one of the individuals sexually assaulted her while the other observed and found amusement in the situation.
The detective observed that Soares was pacing back and forth, seemingly vigilant. He chuckled multiple times while Mariano seemed to be sexually assaulting the injured individual. At several junctures, she exhibited a state of utter flaccidity and possibly lost consciousness. She could not support her head and showed a limp and floppy posture, resembling a ragdoll.
According to the court testimony, the victim attempted to move away, but Soares approached her and forcibly removed her lower garments before reportedly engaging in sexual intercourse without her consent. Mariano resurfaced and, amidst his laughter, ostensibly captured an image or video of the purported continued sexual assault on his mobile device. Soares departed, leaving the complainant prone on the ground, slumped to her left side.
Reportedly, Mariano purportedly lifted the woman upright and subsequently subjected her to another instance of sexual abuse. After that, both men escorted her from the parking lot.
On September 23, 2023, law enforcement confronted Soares in response to complaints of him engaging in the behaviour of tailing women and recording them using his mobile device.
Initially, he furnished officers with inaccurate information but eventually rectified it. Footage captured by body-worn cameras during this incident was analysed and compared to the CCTV footage from the vehicle park. As a result, Soares was recognised and subsequently apprehended.
Upon searching his residence, authorities discovered ten mobile phones. Subsequently, it was revealed that DNA evidence, which matched that of the defendant, was detected on the clothing of the individual who made the complaint.
Upon being warned, he responded, “I did not commit the act of rape.” Not, sir. “I did not do that.”
During the interview, he adamantly claimed that all sexual activity was consensual and that the complainant actively desired it.
Although bail was initially denied, he was subsequently released by the High Court.
Subsequently, Mariano was apprehended one week later, and the detective officially notified the court that he was under suspicion of being the “instigator”.
The investigator reiterated objections to granting bail, citing the possibility of a substantial prison term if the suspect is convicted, which he may attempt to evade by escaping. There is a significant public sentiment as a woman has experienced a widely documented, horrifying trauma and finally desires the perpetrators to be held accountable by the legal system.
If this were to be made public, the level of anxiety it would generate throughout the community would be immense. The specifics are both delicate and troubling. The CCTV footage reveals the calculated nature of this reprehensible crime, as each individual seems to be vigilant for the other while engaging in predatory behaviour. We assert that the defendant poses a significant threat to the general public, particularly young ladies.
Mariano was given bail primarily due to his advanced age at the time.
The case is progressing towards the stage of being committed for trial. However, last week, Soares was apprehended after it was discovered that he had violated his High Court release restrictions by tampering with his G4S tag.
He presented himself before Enniskillen Magistrates’ Court when it was revealed that this was the second instance of violating bail conditions.
On August 11, the detective clarified that Soares violated his curfew by leaving his residence for around 15 minutes.
When questioned by G4S, he asserted that he had “stepped outside to smoke because his mother prohibits smoking inside the house.”
The detective objected to granting bail, citing that this is the second violation of a similar kind after being freed by the High Court. The first incident took place in June.
A defence solicitor informed the court that while acknowledging the severity of the case, the High Court had previously determined in January that the prisoner was eligible for bail. The court will likely be disappointed by this second violation; it is essential to emphasise that he returned when G4S conducted its check.
He stated that Soares had been smoking in the vicinity of the residence. His mother instructed him to relocate to a different entrance, but unfortunately, he was positioned too far away for the tag to detect him. Although the matter was insignificant, it is acknowledged that considering the gravity of the situation, he must improve his performance and is in danger of having his bail withdrawn.
Despite District Judge Alana McSorley’s refusal, Soares was detained and will be brought before the court again via video link next month.