rev david renshaw paedophile child sex offender worthing
rev david renshaw paedophile child sex offender worthing

After a judge declared he was a hazard to children, a crystal meth-using paedophile priest, Rev David Renshaw Worthing Paedophile, who dreamed of sacrificing newborns to Satan was imprisoned for ONLY four years.

From Worthing, David Renshaw claimed to be a “sadistic b” who influenced young lads.

A paedophile-loving judge informed the 63-year-old vicar that his denial of responsibility for his deeds indicated he still poses a threat to the public.

Judge Christine Henson KC observed, “You still cannot accept your criminal behaviour and sexual interest in children.”

Less than thirty minutes they were passed on a jury at Hove convicting Renshaw of all eight counts of possessing obscene, extreme, illegal photos of children and animals.

“Perhaps imprisonment will help you realise you need treatment,” the judge advised him.

David Renshaw, a sitting vicar with more than 22,000 unlawful photos on his computers, presented a significant risk to young people.

The court told Renshaw aggravating elements in his four-year sentence: the age, vulnerability, and apparent anguish and suffering done to the youngsters in the photographs and videos.

The judge remarked on his degree of dedication, which was shown by the time and effort it would have taken to compile such a sizable collection.

“It revealed you were part of a network of sharing inappropriate pictures of kids,” she claimed.

Vicar David Renshaw, who has been in charge since 1985, sat immobile in an interview suite when he was sentenced by video from HMP Lewes.

Before he is qualified for release on parole, he will spend half of the four-year term in custody.

When David Renshaw leaves jail, a Sexual Harm Prevention Order prohibiting unsupervised contact with anybody under sixteen will apply.

Along with paying £4,200 in expenses, he will also have to remain on the Sex Offender Register eternally.

Sarah Day maintained in his defence that the vicar had lost everything.

“These convictions close the life he has known,” Ms. Day said.

He has lost his house and his career.

For two years following National Crime Agency police tracking his internet behaviour, the preacher stayed on a Church of England safe list.

Days after his conviction in February of this year, David Renshaw remained on the list.

He was judged guilty by a jury of holding more than 22,000 pornographic photographs and films of animals and children.

After the guilty ruling, David Renshaw claimed he had little restrictions and could dive relatively low and attempted suicide.

“I’m a sadistic b****,” he informed fellow paedophiles on the internet.

“Through and f through.”

In December 2019, David Renshaw appointed a priest in charge of Christ Church Worthing.

Police stormed his house on August 11, 2020, when he was on long-term sick leave in a hospital.

Police also cautioned him for having Class A and B narcotics in May 2021.

Police invaded his parish house, discovering decaying dead animals and used needles and cocaine pipes.

Following police raids, the RSPCA confiscated badly starved dogs, cats, and hens.

Police linked his internet activity to a PC in his three-bedroom semi.

Hove Crown Court noted that it would have taken months to download all the pictures and videos discovered on the hard disc.

Claiming he would not have had time to download all the photographs and video, the Church of England clergyman told police: “Sermons don’t write themselves.”

Police discovered backups of his messages and internet chats with other perverts.

David Renshaw invited one other user to present Satan with his three-year-old.

Other twisted talks centred on giving offspring to the devil.

Telling investigators he had access to his computers, David Renshaw sought to implicate his sons once his crimes were unearthed.

Speaking before the court, his sons claimed to be depressed and dissatisfied with their father and had been designated as possible suspects.

The jurors listened to vivid accounts of horrifying films of child sex abuse discovered on the device.

Searching his house, police also discovered scores of pornographic DVDs.

David Renshaw first denied it, then said he sent chat messages and social media updates to other paedophiles debating severe child abuse.

Former chaplain in a minor offender unit, Renshaw wrote: “I love corrupting boys with drugs.”

David Renshaw claimed in the witness box that he turned to crystal meth for solace from loneliness and boredom.

After rejecting his justifications for internet use, the jury made eight decisions in less than 25 minutes.

Following listening to vivid depictions of the downloads, jurors were given counselling.

Three charges of possessing indecent photos of children, three counts of manufacturing indecent images of children, holding banned images of children, and possessing severe pornographic images representing acts of intercourse with animals, specifically dogs and horses, they found him guilty.

“Through this investigation, David Renshaw has sought to blame anyone but himself,” stated Detective Sergeant David Rose, investigating officer.

“He has not taken any responsibility for his acts; I am sure they would horrify the local parish he represented.

“One of the most repulsive chores our police will ever have to do is looking for his address.”

Apart from used needles and other drug paraphernalia scattered around, there was also a dead rotting kitten and a dead rotting rat on the floor among starving living animals.

Searching for it was a horrible moment.

“For the officer who had to sort through and grade each image, something that will stay with him for the rest of his life, it was also quite terrifying.”

David Renshaw was suspended immediately following police searches of his house, according to the Diocese of Chichester; he has not been in active ministry since.

Dr Martin Warner, Bishop of Chichester, stated the diocese worked closely with Sussex Police during this inquiry.

A church official added, “Mr David Renshaw’s horrible offences involved the possession of thousands of obscene images.”

“Further action will now be taken against him under the Clergy Discipline Measure following his conviction.”

To run concurrently for the eight modifications, David Renshaw was sentenced to just four years, two years, one year, four years, two years, and two sentences of three months each.

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