Paris Olympics gangbang rape of Australian woman

After allegedly being gang raped by five black men, this is the moment an Australian woman visiting Paris searches for assistance in a kebab shop.

On Saturday, the 25-year-old sought coverage at the Dounia Kebab restaurant, next to the Moulin Rouge cabaret venue.

CCTV footage shows the moment the woman—blurred to save her anonymity—is approached by a second woman offering her some water while staff members console her.

Then, a man with a muzzled face enters the restaurant before the claimed victim motions, “That’s him”.

Those supporting the woman face the man, who then runs away when a diner punches him.

Following the claimed incident, she had her “dress inside out” and was “disoriented and unable to speak a word of French”.
When the restaurant proprietors called for assistance, she was brought to Bichat Hospital.

The woman, who was in Paris for the Fete de la Musique music festival, stated to police she was attacked by five “young men of African appearance.” Still, she was unable to specify the precise circumstances.

According to 2GB’s Olympics writer Clinton Maynard, the claimed attack occurred just one day before she travelled home.

Paris Olympics gangbang rape of Australian woman by 5 black men

“The investigation into the charge of gang rape likely to have been committed on the night of July 19 to 20 has been entrusted to the second judicial police district,” the prosecutor’s office said.

Alliance Paris Police Union added detectives will “do everything to identify the individuals and bring them to justice quickly.”

Allegedly attending the same celebration, a British woman was allegedly gang raped in June.

Firefighters and police brought her to Cochin Hospital; today, they are looking at the events surrounding the attack.

Five teenage girls between 13 and 17 were singled out for an event also part of Fete de la Musique on the same day.

The females claimed to have stinging in their arms whilst dancing, and soon after, they started to feel queasy and lightheaded. Witnesses reported to Le Parisien that they also suffered from a fever and headaches.

Three of them had marks on their arms, and later, police released two guys stopped at the scene.

Ahead of the opening ceremony, Paris started a significant security campaign, with armed guards observed walking the streets.

As thousands of people swarm the French city for the Olympics, police wish to avoid visitors fearing.

If you or anyone you know have been affected by the people highlighted in this article, then please report those individuals to the Police on 101 (999 if an emergency) or visit their online resources for further details of the options for reporting a crime. You can also make a report at Crimestoppers should you wish to be completely anonymous. There is help available on our support links page.